
“It’s Not Zoning” Raphael Tuju Candidly Explains Why Jubilee, ODM  Are Favored In Azimio

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance Executive Director Raphael Tuju has explained why some parties under the coalition have been denied the opportunity to...

Raila To Kiss The Presidency Goodbye As Kalonzo Is Set To Follow Alfred Mutua To Kenya Kwanza

Raila Odinga shot himself in the foot by allowing Machakos governor Alfred Mutua to quit Azimio instead of addressing his concerns. Mutua ditched Raila led...

 DP Ruto’s Comment Moments After Alfred Mutua Ditched Azimio La Umoja For Kenya Kwanza

DP William Ruto is excited after Machakos governor Alfred Mutua dumped Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya for Kenya Kwanza Alliance. Mutua announced his separation with Azimio...

6 Things About Sabina Chege That Will See Her Floor Karua, Joho And The Rest In Azimio Running Mate Race

The panel tasked with selecting a running mate for ODM leader Raila Odinga kicked off interviews on Monday with Murang'a Women Rep Sabina Chege...

Mike Sonko’s Only Hope In Being Cleared To Contest For Mombasa Gubernatorial Seat

Former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko's political ambitions of becoming Mombasa governor might fail to materialize. This is if the Supreme Court will fail to rule...


