
She didn’t leave because I cheated on her-Diamond says about Tanasha

Diamond Platnumz has for the first time opened up about his breakup with Kenyan songstress Tanasha Donna. The singer famed for massive hits such...

Mike Sonko blaming his predicament on association with Deputy President Ruto.

Mike Sonko in trouble after meeting the Deputy President William Ruto at his Karen home, Nairobi, last week, just a few hours before threatening...

Aden Duale-Uhuru has a secret plan to betray Raila & go back to Ruto

Aden Duale, the Majority Leader has warned ODM Leader Raila Odinga and his supporters to be a wary of a secret plan between President...

Ruth Matete to wait longer to bury late husband, Beloved John

Ruth Matete will have to wait longer to bury her husband after police revealed the probe into the death of John Apewajoye, will remain...

Roselyn Akombe puts Raila on the spot for looming coalition with Uhuru

Roselyn Akombe, the former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioner has blasted former prime minister Raila Odinga for the looming coalition government with...


