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Sauti Sol drops much anticipated hit ‘Insecure’-Check out the video

Sauti Sol arguably Kenya and Africa's biggest boy band has officially dropped their third single 'Insecure' of their fourth Studio album, Midnight Train and...

State House speaks about alleged Uhuru list for economic recovery

State House has denied the alleged Economic Recovery Council by President Uhuru Kenyatta spread across messaging and social media platforms like wildfire on Thursday,...

Governor Okoth Obado implicated in new scandal by EACC

On Thursday, May 21st, Migori Governor Okoth Obado, was implicated in a new scandal by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). The commission alleged that...

Tormented Jalang’o confesses existence of Boys Club

Cmedian Felix Odiwour (Jalang'o) has confessed to the existence of 'his boys' club' and their Whatsapp group after texts from the group leaked out,...

We will not go down without a fight-Kandara MP Alice Wahome says about Ruto allies

Alice Wahome, Kandara MP has been a vocal critic of President Uhuru Kenyatta in the recent past as she remains steadfast in her support...


Medics condemn police brutality during protests

The Kenya Medical Association (KMA) has condemned police brutality...

UN cautions Ruto’s Govt against shooting protesters

The Secretary-General to the United Nations Antonio Guterres on...

“Listening To The People Is Not A Choice” Uhuru Kenyatta Breaks Silence

The immediate former president Uhuru Kenyatta has broken silence...

Boniface Mwangi Blames Kenya Kwanza Politicians After Tuesday’s Peaceful Protests Turned Chaotic

Renown activist and journalist Boniface Mwangi alias The People's...