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Murkomen and Kihika move to the High Court to oppose ouster

Kipchumba Murkomen, the former leader of Majority in the senate and former Minority Whip Susan Kihika have moved to court to challenge their ouster. The...

John Mbadi – Raila/Uhuru party merger will be formalised

Raila Odinga, the ODM leader has hinted at forming a merger with Jubilee, led by President Uhuru Kenyatta after the latter formed a post-election...

KEMRI in financial trouble as COVID-19 pandemic wreaks havok

Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) is in dire financial straits. This emerged after the organization's Director, Dr. Yeri Kombe, appeared before the National Assembly...

Itumbi’s forged ruling on Jubilee-KANU merger exposed by Judiciary

Dennis Itumbi found himself on the spot on Tuesday, May 12 after the Judiciary shared the ruling made by the Political Parties and Disputes...

Kipchumba Murkomen reveals advise Ruto gave him after his ouster

Kipchumba Murkomen has disclosed Deputy President William Ruto's advice to him after his ouster. Speaking in an interview on Citizen TV, the outspoken leader...


Details of Ruto’s trip to Switzerland

President William Ruto has arrived in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, for...

G7 leaders support Ruto for financial reforms

The G7 summit has responded positively to President William...

‘I endorse this message’ David Ndii reacts push for Kenyans to unfollow him on social media

President William Ruto's Economic Advisor David Ndii has endorsed...

Salasya Reacts After Being Urged To Ran Away With Finance Bill Like Taiwan MP

Kenyans are keen on ensuring that the controversial Finance...