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Uproar Over Video of Woman Being Thrown Out of Car

Kenyans on various social media platforms have raised mixed reactions after a video of a woman being dragged out of a car went viral. The...

DCI Raid Nairobi CBD, Arrest 4 Hawkers Illegal Goods

The Pest Control Board augmented by DCI detectives has launched operations to weed out unregistered pest control products from the Kenyan market which are...

ODM Set To Hold Crisis Meeting As Raila Eyes AU Commission Job

The Orange Democratic Movement will hold a crisis meeting after its party leader, Raila Odinga, announced that he is ready to contest for the...

Mike Sonko Finally Reveals Why He Is Always Helping People In Need

Flamboyant politician Mike Sonko has always been at the fore front of helping Kenyans who are in need and the less privileged. From boxing champion...

Kiptum’s Coach Family Reject Autopsy Report

The family of the late world marathon record holder Kelvin Kiptum's coach Gervais Hakizimana has rejected the autopsy results released on Friday, February 16. Addressing...


Boniface Mwangi Blames Kenya Kwanza Politicians After Tuesday’s Peaceful Protests Turned Chaotic

Renown activist and journalist Boniface Mwangi alias The People's...

Safaricom Issues Statement As Internet Outage Hits The Country

One of the country's biggest telecommunication company, Safaricom,has issued...

Kimani Ichung’wah’s Kikuyu Office Set Ablaze(Video)

The Kikuyu office of the National Assembly'  minority leader...

Government Allegedly Threatens To Shut Down KTN

Amid Finance Bill 2024 protests, the Standard Media Group...