Atwoli Reacts To Inclusion Of ODM Members To Cabinet


COTU secretary General Francis Atwoli has supported President William Ruto’s decision to include opposition members in his new cabinet.

Speaking in Kisumu on Thursday, Atwoli noted that the nominated leaders are competent, adding that there was no problem for the president to work with opposition.

He further urged Kenyans to trust the decision that president Ruto has made.

“This is the kind of government we need,” he said.

Ruto, during the week, said that he sought to include the opposition in his cabinet in a bid to unite Kenyans and develop the country.

On the other Moses Kuria, the former CS for Public Service and Delivery Management, admitted that Ruto assigned Opposition leaders dockets that were full of challenges.

Speaking in Makueni during a burial ceremony, Kuria insinuated that the ODM members are up for uphill tasks.

“Yesterday we saw some people have joined the government which is important. But let me candid, there are things we managed to do as a government but we failed to accomplish others. For instance, the Makueni Governor has been on my case regarding the sharing revenue from the copper mining proceeds. I did not have an answer because I failed in that sector. Now, the Governor can look for Joho and tell him the issue

“12 million people have borrowed from the Hustler Fund and have defaulted, we have tried to find them but we have failed. Then we said Oparanya looks like someone who can properly execute the role, then come and look for that money,” he said.

Raila’s allies who were nominated to the cabinet are John Mbadi(Treasury), Hassan Joho(Mining), Wycliffe Oparanya(MSMEs and Cooperatives)  and Opiyo Wandayi(Energy)




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