Man Kills Wife Strangles Wife To Death, Poisons Himself And Their Daughter


A 30-year old man from Kericho County is receiving treatment under the tight guard of police officers after poisoning himself shortly after strangling his 22-year old wife to death.

The man is said to have descended on his wife following suspicions that she was involved in a love affair with their neighbor.

According to the Londiani OCPD Agnes Kunga, the man, his wife and their daughter aged one and a half years lived in a rental apartment at Ndhiwa market center. The man suspected that his wife was sneaking to their neighbor’s house to spend quality time him whenever he was away.

Last evening, the man was not at home and he received a call from another neighbor informing him that his wife had left for the neighbor’s place.

“The man immediately returned and indeed found the wife in the neighbor’s house but he did not react immediately,” Kunga told the press.

The husband asked his wife to accompany him to their home along with their child before strangling her with a rope. He also poisoned their daughter and himself before fleeing the scene.

He however couldn’t bear the pain because as the chemical he had taken took effect. He was forced to seek help from the police, informing them where he was hiding.

“We found him having vomited a lot and in critical condition. We took him to the Londiani hospital where he is under guard as a murder suspect,” the OCPD further stated.

“He is now under treatment and on guard. We are hoping that he survives so that we charge him in court for the murder.”

Luckily, the minor also survived the incident and was rushed to Londian Sub-county hospital where she is receiving treatment.



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