Ruto Vows To Stand With Aisha Jumwa After Excluding Her From Cabinet


President William Ruto has promised Kilifi people that he will not leave Aisha Jumwa in the cold, after kicking her out of cabinet.

It is evident that Jumwa is among the 11 former CS who will not be making a comeback in the new cabinet.

At the time of her dismissal with colleagues, Jumwah was the CS for Gender, Culture, Arts and Heritage.

During his tour in Kilifi on Friday Ruto referred to Jumwa as his sister adding that he wouldn’t leave her.

“I want to assure you that I will make arrangements for my sister Aisha Jumwa. I will make sure that she participates in the government’s business because she is a strong woman who has stood with me and I will stand with her,” the president stated.  Aisha Jumwa is my sister and I cannot leave her. I will walk with her,” he said.

Jumwa is one of the ardent supporter of of Ruto and previously served as Kilifi MP. She was also present to accompany the head of state on the tour.

She extended gratitude to Ruto for selecting two individuals from the Coast to serve on the cabinet.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank President William Ruto for giving me an opportunity to be a Cabinet Secretary in his government. It was a great honour. I trust the president. I thank him for nominating Hassan Joho and Salim Mvurya in his new cabinet. I am satisfied,” remarked Jumwa.

She al hoped that she would be considered in the remaining batch of CSs.

“The president knows, and if it will delight him to see Aisha Jumwa in the Cabinet to continue, the people of Kilifi will say amen. And if he decides that Jumwa should not be in the Cabinet, we will equally say so because the Bible tells us to rejoice and be thankful in everything,” Jumwa said.


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