Gunfire Sends Fear in Haiti Ahead of Kenya Police Deployment


Gun battles raged in several locations of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, leading to the death of several police officers and forcing dozens of commercial airlines to suspend flights in the troubled Caribbean nation.

Haiti’s main international airport, as well as aircraft, came under fire, forcing international and domestic airlines to cancel operations. Schools, universities and businesses have also been forced to close. At least one airline, Sunrise Airways, suspended all flights.

At least four police officers, including two women, were killed in an attack on a station near the community of Canaan, according to a police union.

File image of Haiti gang members.

A prominent gang leader said multiple factions were parlaying to launch attacks on state security forces in a bid to remove Prime Minister Ariel Henry. Several police stations were targeted in the attack, with two set on fire. The Toussaint Louverture International Airport has also been targeted.

Known as “Barbecue”, gang leader Jimmy Cherisier publicised the attack in a social media video just before the battles began.

“With our guns and with the Haitian people, we will free the country,” he said.

The move came during the absence of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who is in Kenya trying to finalise details for the deployment of a foreign armed force to Haiti to help combat gangs.

The deal was signed on Friday March 1, paving the way for the deployment.


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