Danstan Omari Claims Raila Won’t Win African Union’s Chairmanship


Chances of Raila winning elections for the AU Chairmanship are minimal.

This is according to renown lawyer Danstan Omari. Speaking during a breakfast show at K24, Omari said that with President William Ruto presiding over the elections, Raila stands no chance.

“It is unfortunate for Kenyans that Raila Odinga will not get the AU seat. If the AU wanted Raila to get that seat, they could not have appointed President William Ruto to be the person to preside over the elections of the AU Commission,” Omari said.

The head of state landed the role last week, taking over from Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda, as the African Union (AU) Champion for Institutional Reform.

“The reform involves reforming the structure, functioning and focus of the African Union Commission, AU Organs and Specialized Agencies so that they become more effective and efficient in managing the programmes of the African Union,” read a statement from statehouse.

UDA and other government officials have however supported Raila’s bid for AU chairmanship.

“We welcome Raila’s decision to take up the AU position…Raila is an African luminary…He deserves the position based on his contribution to the continent, and will immensely contribute to African unity,” UDA secretary general Cleophas Malala said in a press briefing last week.

“Raila has proved himself as a true Pan-Africanist. When Africa was going through dictatorship, Raila was there to condemn it…he adds up to Africa’s great sons, and played a big role in African democracy,” he added.

According to Malala, the decision to back Raila was not for political reasons but for patriotism.

Azimio coalition has also thrown its weight behind the Raila, while maintaining that the coalition will still remain strong and united even if their leader takes up the post.

If elected, Raila will not participate in politics and therefore won’t contest in the 2027 general elections.


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