“That’s Misleading” Otiende Sharply Differs With Shollei Over Article 43 Of The Constitution


Rarieda MP and Uasin Gishu Woman Rep Gladys Shollei sharply differed on article 43 of the constitution with regard to the affordable housing program.

During a discussion on Jeff Koinange Live, Shollei noted that the constitution has advocated for the right to housing, hence the government’s effort in constructing affordable housing.

“He is making it look like this particular Program started from nowhere. This program has a genesis. It is even in the constitution. It states that the state shall provide. So you can not say we are imposing something on Kenyans that they don’t want, it is the constitution,” the National Assembly Deputy Speaker noted.

Otiende however told her off saying that that was misleading as the constitution has mentioned other more basic rights but  the government isn’t entitled to give for free.

“That is misleading, article 43 is very clear. Rights in terms of right to food, right to health, right to housing, they are all there, does it mean the government is entitled to give you free food to day? No. Does it mean the government is entitled to give you free water? No. The fact that it is mentioned, this is one of the progressive rights that we must discuss how to achieve it. You can’t just impose because it is mentioned,” he said

Responding to him, Shollei noted that the program came 10 years late since the constitution was passed.

“The government must put in those measures. We can’t just wait and say that we will give to you later. We are not the first country to do it,” she said.

This however saw Otiende refer to the constitution to get the exact wordings.

“It can be misleading for someone listening to think that the constitution requires housing for Kenyans so they are imposing. Article 43 talks about the social and economic rights,” he said as he read out the article.

“Are they giving all this things for free because they are mentioned in the constitution? No.” he challenged Shollei.

“The idea of having affordable houses for citizens is not a bad thing. The execution is a problem. First you can not impose  an obligation for everyone to pay for affordable housing including those who don’t need. Secondly, you are imposing at a time Kenyans are so heavily taxed on virtually everything. They have no food to eat,” he further said.



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