T.B Joshua’s Daughter Narrates How She Was Tortured On His Order


The lateĀ  powerful Nigerian preacher T.B Joshua is trending for all the wrong reasons after heinous activities that were happening in his church, Synagogue Church of All Nations (Scoan), were exposed by BBC.

In the expose, it is revealed that T.B Joshua faked miracles, sexually assaulted, tortured and brainwashed his followers, among other ills.

The investigations had been going on for over two years, with BBC gathering information from former worshippers of SCOAN as well as his own daughter, who is believed to have been conceived out of wedlock.

Ajoke, who is currently 27 years old, reached out to BBC to expose his father for all the wrong doings that she also experienced first hand.

“My dad had fear, constant fear. He was very afraid that someone would speak up,” she said.

Ajoke was raised by Joshua’s only known widow Evelyn from a tender age and her real mother remains unknown. It is however believed that she was one of his congregants.

Ajoke now lives in hiding and has since dropped the name Joshua, with her current identity also remaining under wraps.

According to her, the her sufferings in her father’s hand began after she was suspended from school and a journalist referred to her as an illegitimate child. That saw her education brought to an end and was transferred to SCOAN’s compound in Lagos.

“I was made to move to the disciples’ room. I didn’t volunteer to be a disciple. I was made to join,” she recounted.

The disciples, who were from all over the world, lived inside the church and had to adhere to strict rules, including sleeping for a short period of time, referring to Joshua as daddy, they were restricted from using phones among other rules.

“The disciples were both brainwashed and enablers. Everybody was just acting based on command – like zombies. Nobody was questioning anything,” she confessed.

Ajoke says that she did not follow the rules and her defiance caused her suffering and abuse. Joshua would allegedly order other disciples to beat her up for wetting the bed, oversleeping, insubordination among other things.

She was whipped with an electric cord, poured on hot water and locked in a room for over a year.

“I wonder how I lived through those times. I couldn’t even stand up for days after these beatings. I couldn’t even take a shower. He was trying so hard to stop people listening to me,” she said.


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