Kalonzo Issues Demands After Expose on Some Officials Getting Triple Salary


Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka on Saturday, November 4 demanded answers over alleged tripling of salaries by some government officials.

Speaking at a Church Service in Umoja, Nairobi, Kalonzo implored the National Treasury to give a detailed explanation of how that happened.

“The other day we called experts and a lady came whom I was seeing for the first time. I used to hear that she was the one approving the release of government funds. She talked like an expert, she had tabulations, figures, and expert opinion,” Kalonzo stated.

“She said until now she has not received an explanation why her salary as a state officer has been tripled. We are waiting for an explanation,” he added.

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musypka during a church service in Kajiado on October 22, 2023. Photo/ Kalonzo.

His remarks came after the Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakang’o while appearing before the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) alleged that her salary was budgeted three times what she is paid.

“Exaggerations are in the national treasury and let me just give one example, when I was doing the budget for consolidated funds services, this is where my salary is paid from, I found out my salary was budgeted at three times what I’m paid,” Nyakang’o told the committee.

“I’m the only state officer in my institution, so there is nothing like confusion there, I’m all alone. I asked why the budget is showing three times what my annual salary is, and it was like that for all state officers. I have not received an explanation to date,” she added.

By the time of this publication, the National Treasury had not responded to Nyakango’s claims.

Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakango presenting her views to the dialogue team. Photo/Kalonzo.


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