Deputy Governor Rescues Man Living in Tank, Builds Him 2-Bedroom House


Nyeri Deputy Governor David Kinaniri initiated plans to build a 2-bedroom house for a man living in a water tank in Gatitu-Muruguru ward, Nyeri County.

According to Kinaniri, the 32-year-old man George Thiong’o Ndirangu was living in a tank for two years after his parental house was demolished over a land tussle.

Moved by his sad story, Nyeri Deputy Governor donated 30 iron sheets and dispatched a team from his office led by Bernard Gichuki who delivered the sheets with other building materials in order for the construction of the house to start.

Nyeri Deputy Governor David Kinaniri in his office on Monday September 19, 2023. Photo/ Nyeri Deputy Governor.

This was after a public outcry from the area residents who had asked people of good faith to volunteer and help the man and the story published by Kenya News Agency.

Area MCA Wangechi Njithi also sent her to support the family. She said the man had suffered living in a tank even during the rainy season.

She called other well-wishers to come out and assist the man to live a decent life.

“Living in a tank even during rainy season is a serious matter of human rights. I thank God now that he will stay in a decent house,” Wangechi told Kenya News Agency.

James Mwangi, a resident thanked the deputy governor for his support saying the old man can now live in a good house.


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