Why Chebukati’s 2022 General Election Nightmare Is Far From Over


The IEBC election nightmare is far from over. The commission officials have been spending sleepless nights since the general elections were conducted in a bid to establish the winners and losers.

Currently, IEBC  is almost concluding the process but another headache awaits as  a lot of losers have vowed to challenge their opponents’ victory in court.

If the petitions are successful, the commission will be forced to organize elections in the respective places afresh.

Most who are unsatisfied with this year’s general elections include those who unsuccessfully vied for gubernatorial seats.

In Kirinyaga County, Purity Ngirici, who vied on an independent ticket has vowed to challenge Anne Waiguru’s win.  Waiguru vied on a UDA ticket and successfully defended her seat.

“We will petition. We have enough evidence to prove that about 51,000 votes were rigged,” the outgoing woman rep said during a church service on Sunday.

Evans Kidero who unsuccessfully contested the Homa Bay gubernatorial seat will also be heading to court. The former Nairobi governor was trounced by Gladys Wanga who garnered 244,559 votes against his 152, 182 votes. According to him the polls were marred by irregularities.

“I will take necessary legal action as prescribed under the law. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of an election, you do what the law says,” Kidero said.

ANC’s John Sakwa Bunyasi is also unsatisfied with the election of Paul Otuoma as Busia governor. He  rejected the results presented by IEBC  in five out of the seven constituencies of the county. Otuoma won on an ODM ticket.

Outgoing Nakuru governor Lee Kinyanjui of Jubilee has not conceded defeat and is seeking to challenge Susan Kihika’s victory. Kihika won on a UDA ticket. In a press briefing on Saturday, just a day after Kihika was announced governor elect of Nakuru, Kinyanjui said that the election was marred with irregularities and the outcome does not reflect the will of the people.

“Wanjiku votes and our responsibility is only to count the votes; we have no business manipulating what she has voted for. Our conclusion is that the integrity of the process cannot be guaranteed and the outcomes do not reflect what Wanjiku did,” Kinyanjui said.

Nyandarua governor Francis Kimemia is seeking to block the swearing in of Kiarie Badilisha as the elected governor in his county. He argues that there are some inconsistencies on voter turnout on the KIEMS kit and IEBC’s final results. KIEMs kit indicated that voter turnout was 54% while  IEBC officials said that turnout stood at 66%.

The sitting governor of Kiambu James Nyoro, who was fronted by Azimio, is also not satisfied with how the polls went saying that the election was not free and fair. Provisional results indicated that senator Kimani Wamatangi(UDA) was leading the race.

RELATED STORY:Fresh Details Emerge On The Last Moments Before IEBC Official Daniel Musyoka Went Missing


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