Junet Mohamed Turns Himself Into Raila’s Bodyguard, Deals With Threats In Webuye


Controversial Suna East member of parliament Junet Mohamed on Friday decided to take over Raila Odinga’s security.

Junet Mohamed strategically placed himself and was hanging at Raila Odinga’s left door just to ensure that all was okay for the opposition leader as he addressed Webuye residents.

Usually, the place Junet Mohamed was placing himself is normally used by the hawk eyed Raila Odinga’s security officers/bodyguards. Interestingly, Junet Mohamed did not disappoint as he made sure that no one moved closer to Raila’s official car.

While at it, Raila took a swipe at deputy president William Samoei Ruto for ranting in the United States over internal matters.

He wondered why Ruto was lamenting over corruption in the US yet he is the one who has spearheaded corruption in the country since 2013.

The ODM leader also castigated the hustler nation economic policy of wheelbarrows, insisting that Kenyan youths deserve better after completing their education as opposed to being reduced to pushing wheelbarrows. 

Thus, the former prime minister told residents to elect him so that he takes Kenya to the next level in terms of development. He reiterated his vision for the nation amongst them his babacare healthcare program, the six thousand economic stimulus package, fighting corruption and giving youth decent jobs. 

At the same time, the opposition leader brought to the limelight the Elijah Masinde prophecy which prophesied that leadership of the Luhya community would only be realized through Lake victoria(luo nation).

These sentiments were reiterated by Defense cabinet secretary Hon. Eugine Wamalwa. The CS urged Webuye residents to support Raila Odinga come August general elections for the betterment of the country.

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader was accompanied by a number of leaders amongst them the Bungoma governor Wickliffe Wangamati, Embakasi east member of parliament Babu Owino, Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho, Kisi governor Mr. Ongwae amongst others.

RELATED STORY:Dunia Kweli Ni Duara! William Ruto Doing Exactly What Raila Did 4 Years Ago


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