Raila Proves That He Fears Wanjigi At Kasarani ODM NDC After Quickly Doing This Silly Thing Before His Arrival


Defiant billionaire Jimi wanjigi on Saturday made real his threat of attending the Kasarani stadium Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) National Delegates Conference (NDC).

Jimi Wanjigi had on Friday stated that he would attend the ODM Kasarani meeting whether the organizers liked it or not. Asked what he would do if he was blocked from the gate, Wanjigi stated that it was his democratic right to attend the function and get a fair chance to compete with Raila in his quest to fly the party ticket.

However, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) hurriedly endorsed Raila Odinga to fly the party’s ticket, leaving many asking whether Raila was just afraid of the competition he would face from Mr. Wanjigi.

After being endorsed by the ODM, Raila quickly left the Kasarani venue accompanied by his bodyguards and key allies such as the Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho, Kakamega governor Wickliffe Ambetsa Oparanya, Homabay woman Rep Gladys Wanga, Nairobi Woman rep Esther Passaris, Kisumu governor Anyang’ Nyong’o, and Mvita MP Nassir Abdulswamad Sherriff amongst other leaders.

Coincidentally, the billionaire businessman arrived outside Kasarani stadium in a convoy accompanied by supporters who were in orange t-shirts and caps.

Of late, Jimi Wanjigi and raila odinga have not been seeing eye to eye ever since the billionaire expressed interest in running for the presidency on the ODM ticket.

In fact, the billionaire maintained that he is in the presidential race under the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) ticket despite top party officials fuming.

Wanjigi while selling his ambitions in the Lakeside city of Kisumu reiterated that the party officials and the party boss must uphold the democratic ideals in the nominations failure to which atawafagia wote( he will wipe all of them).

The philanthropic billionaire has been on a campaign mission under the “fagia wote” slogan loosely translated to mean he will make things right not only in the ODM party but also in the top leadership of the country once he takes over from President Uhuru Kenyatta who will be exiting the stage in 2022.

Wanjigi also expressed his frustrations that the party was already being unfair by electing some delegates in private rooms within Nairobi, Taita Taveta and other places.

As a result, he insisted that the ODM party must embrace the democratic spirit within which it was founded or else it risks undermining its very own foundation.

“The third is to advise my party officials. I am a life member and I hear in the party, they are trying to do some elections in Nairobi, for places as far away as this. I saw even Taita Taveta complain yesterday that there are delegates being elected in some strange rooms.” He said.

“This party must embrace the spirit on which it was founded, the democratic spirit on which it was founded. This party has had members shed blood to achieve democracy in this country so we are not going to allow a few nyangarikas, officials and others to undermine the democratic basis and the foundations of this party.

Wanjigi continued: “Na wakituchezea, ata wao wataona!! Tutawafagia wote wote wote waondoke kabisa! Democracy must be upheld…”

These sentiments/lectures by Jimmi Wanjigi were seen as a direct attack to the opposition leader Raila Odinga 

The billionaire recently launched a scathing attack at Mr. Odinga to exit the stage for the young turks since his time was over.

According to Wanjigi, the ODM leader was a liberation hero in the past but not in the current third liberation.

RELATED STORY: Mudavadi’s Western Meeting Almost Comes To An End After Malala Orders Raila To Worship Musalia



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