Why Raila Odinga Is Best Suited To Be Kenya’s Fifth President


Former Prime minister Raila Amollo Odinga is among those who have openly declared that they will be on the ballot for presidential elections.

Among those who have shown interest in the position, Odinga says he is the best candidate to be the fifth president of this country.

According to the ODM leader, Kenya now needs an engineer as a president so as to catch up with other countries that were in the same state as this country in 1963.

“Look at these different presidencies, our first president was an anthropologist, he gave us the Kenyanisation of the Kenyan economy. The second president was a teacher who laid a lot of emphasis on Education.. you can see the Nyayo milk program and so on,” Odinga explained in an interview with Citizen TV.

He added that President Mwai Kibaki was an economist and under his leadership, Kenya got vision 2030 and economic upturn.

“Now we have a fourth president who is a political economist, and he has moved the country to the point of take-off… if you look at the infrastructural development that he has done, it is big,it has moved the country to the point of take-off,” Odinga said.

As an engineer, Odinga said he believes he has the ability to take the country to the next stage.

“So that Kenya can leapfrog and reach the countries that were in a similar state in 1963 when Kenya became a sovereign State. I think I can do it, I have the ability, I have the vision, I have the clarity of mind and it is not just me, It is going to be a teamwork and I think I can be able to identify talents in different fields and make good use of them so that our country can take off,” the former prime minister said.

RELATED STORY:Why Raila Odinga Will Be Vying For Presidency In 2022 General Elections





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