Kabogo Warns Mt Kenya Against Granting Raila Super Majority Win In 2022


Former Kiambu governor William Kabogo has expressed his fear of Raila Odinga becoming president in 2022 with a super majority in parliament.

Speaking during an interview on K24, Kabogo raised alarm about Raila being president with more than 2/3 majority in parliament post 2022 general election.

2/3 majority in parliament means that a Raila government will not have any opposition in the House and can even change the constitution at will.

“If you want to vote for Raila Odinga as your next President, deny him the MPs, let us send our MPs out there, they will make sure that checks and balances are real,” said Kabogo.

He added that;

“We have seen what happens in the National Assembly when the President in office has more than 2/3 of MPs what happens there is a complete dictatorship. This time, if you want to vote for Raila as president, deny him the MPs.”

Kabogo’s warning comes amid recent report by Mizani Africa research firm which showed that Raila and his ODM party are quickly gaining ground in Mt Kenya region.

A survey conducted by Mizani Africa research firm between 1st October to 13th showed that 22.4% of voters from Mt Kenya are likely to vote for an ODM candidate if the elections were held, Jubilee on the other side would only get 10.2% of the votes.

According to the poll, DP William Ruto’s UDA party is the most popular political party in the region with 61.7% of voters ready to vote for it.

ODM has never had elected representatives in Mt Kenya, if the party was to win seats in the region and retain support in its traditional bases of Nyanza, Western, Coast and Nairobi then it could undoubtedly have super majority in parliament.

The opinion poll by Mizani Africa research also indicated that Raila’s popularity in Mt Kenya has soared from a single digit to 27.1%, while Ruto’s popularity plummeted to 58.2%.

Ruto had an approval rating of 85% in Mt Kenya in January 2021 but by October his support has dropped to less than 60% – just as Raila started campaigning in the region.

An analysis of the 2013 presidential elections shows 92% of the voters from Mt Kenya gave President Uhuru 1,895,075 votes while Raila only got 84,010 votes. The same vote pattern was repeated in the 2017 elections.

Raila had been getting about 3% of the total votes in Mt Kenya region in the past elections, political strategists say the ODM leader needs about 15% support from the region if he is to win the presidency.

With the ODM leader currently enjoying 27.1% support in Mt Kenya, his bid to be Kenya’s 5th President is just at his fingertips.

Related: New Poll Shows Raila’s Popularity In Mt.Kenya Increased By 16% In Just 12 Days


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