Miguna Miguna shame Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga


Political activist and lawyer Miguna Miguna shame Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga , according to Miguna  daily doses ;Freedom Fighters like me value liberty, dignity ,equity and justice  above money, wealth or power. We are not fighting to replace the despots. We are fighting to liberte Kenyans from Despot Uhuru Kenyatta and his enablers and make independence and sovereignty  real for everyone.


For 7 years, cowards like Conman Raila Odinga yelled how William Ruto was the election thief, looter and murderer in Jubilee, yet after ODMorons joined Despot Uhuru Kenyatta in Jubilee in March 2018 and shoved Ruto out, looting, murder and abuse of power have exploded .

Miguna Miguna
Miguna Miguna

For years Despot Uhuru Kenyatta used William Ruto as an excuse – a convenient boogeyman. Now that William Ruto has been constructively fired and confined to internal exile at his Karen home, Kenyans can see that their problems are Despot Uhuru Kenyatta, Raila Odinga and their Cabals.


By no means am I suggesting that William Ruto represents anything good about Kenya. Far from it. I’m saying the exact opposite. However, the point remains that the egregious abuse of power, brutalities against Kenyans and primitive looting are going on with Ruto chained at Karen.

William Ruto with Uhuru Kenyatta in the past
William Ruto with Uhuru Kenyatta in the past


If Despot Uhuru Kenyatta and Conman Raila Odinga had functioning brains they would have appointed William Ruto the head and spokesman of COVID-19 pandemic mess and  “Government Implementation” so that Kenyans can blame him for the ongoing looting, Jubilee implosion and abuses.


After Mwai Kibaki trashed the MoU and unleashed his tribalists to turn Raila Odinga into a burukenge from 2003 to 2005, it made Kibaki and PNU so unpopular that Conman Raila Odinga humiliated him in the 2007 polls. That’s how COUNTERPRODUCTIVE Uhuru’s tribal attacks on Ruto are.


Unlike the 2007 post election violence and crimes against humanity when Despot Uhuru Kenyatta, Ruto and their co-indictees managed to get off using Kibaki’s criminal goons like Kimemia, the International Criminal Court – ICC learnt their tricks. Like Liberia’s Charles Taylor, Despot Uhuru Kenyatta won’t escape this time around.


With William Ruto chained in Karen and his troops being chased around like mangy dogs, Kenyans are conviced more than ever before that it is Despot Uhuru Kenyatta and Conman Raila who are RESPONSIBLE for all their suffering. They have transformed Ruto from a villain to a victim.


No army has ever won any battle or war against The People. Not the Roman Army. Not Hitler’s Army. Not Mussolini’s Army. Not the Apartheid regime army. Not Mobutu’s or Amin’s Army. Consequently, Despot Uhuru Kenyatta’s rag tag Mungiki Army will never defeat The People of Kenya! #UhuruMustGo #DespotsMustFall

The views expressed in this article are Miguna Miguna’s  views they do not reflect our views of Sonkonews . Please report defamatory statement to news@sonkonews.com


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